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Modern Slavery

Kettering Surgical Appliances Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the Financial Year 2022

In compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, we, Kettering Surgical Appliances, present our Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the financial year ending 31st December 2022. Our commitment to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or any part of our business is unequivocal.

(a) Steps Taken:

(i) In Our Supply Chains:

Conducted a thorough risk assessment to identify the areas where there is a risk of slavery and human trafficking.

Engaged with our suppliers to communicate our zero-tolerance policy towards slavery and human trafficking.

Implemented a supplier code of conduct which all suppliers are required to adhere to.

Conducted audits of high-risk suppliers to ensure compliance with our standards.

Established a whistleblowing system where concerns about unethical behavior can be raised anonymously.

(ii) In Our Own Business:

Provided training to our staff to help them identify the signs of slavery and human trafficking.

Implemented stringent recruitment processes to ensure all employees have the right to work and are employed in fair conditions.

Established a dedicated Modern Slavery Act compliance team to monitor and enforce our anti-slavery policies.

(b) This statement has been approved by the Directors of Kettering Surgical Appliances on 25th January 2023